10 Video Games That Literally Put You Through Hell
3. Dante's Inferno

When it comes to depictions of Hell, Dante's Inferno has to be one of the more intricate in video game history, as it is loosely based off of Inferno from Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy.
The game sees you journeying through the Nine Rings of Hell, to take down Lucifer himself and save your beloved Beatrice. The journey through the rings has you come face to face with the seven deadly sins and demons and souls that encapsulate them. One of the most infamous circles in the game is Lust, where you face off against Cleopatra and her creepy boobs that spit out demons cause that's something that could only happen in Hell.
Dante's Inferno culminates in the frozen depths of Hell with a battle against Satan and his big swinging penis. Alright you don't actually fight his junk but with how prominently it is animated it's impossible to ignore.
It should come as no surprise that Dante's Inferno was swimming in controversy at the time. The game featured quite a bit of nudity, swinging devil dong and all. Also featured was an achievement/trophy for killing so many unbaptized baby demons which didn't go over very well. That's really just the tip of the iceberg as well, as even the marketing strategy was wrapped in scandal.
While the game is mostly remembered for being a God of War clone, as it clearly took a lot of influence from the series, Dante's Inferno was an enjoyable standalone game. Unsurprising considering the multiple books in the Divine Comedy, there was a pretty blatant tease for a sequel at the end that was never discussed afterwards. It would be pretty hard to justify Dante tearing through Purgatory and Heaven after his enlightened path through Hell, but hey wilder things have happened.