10 Video Games That Make Losing Truly Painful

6. Dark Souls

Rocket league
From Software

Dark Souls is synonymous with deaths in videogames and for very good reason... it's brutal. It's not uncommon to play for two hours and hit a brick wall to your progress with seemingly no way to overcome it. You can die countless times to a boss but that's not the crux of this legendary series.

The key mechanic that instils almost fever pitch levels of anxiety in its players is the fact that all your currency is waiting patiently for you to collect it from where you died... unless your killed again then it's gone forever. Couple this with completely reset enemies and you have one daunting long haul back to the boss room to level the playing field again.

If you do die the second time though and get to watch your souls dwindle and stay at zero. That's when the real sting sets in. You've lost that next armour set, weapon or miracle as well as your marbles.

It's important to note thought that From Software are masters of adversity. They make their enemies difficult but readable and eventually overcoming that brick wall will make you first bump the air.

This addictive feeling is present throughout and is one of the reasons you'll push on and keep enjoying these wonderfull games.


An aspiring games journalist and occasional blogger, who is terrible at games. I play old music to everyone around me too. I'm here all the time @WhyUKPete