10 Video Games That Mocked You For Winning

2. Shadow Of The Colossus

Shadow Of The Colossus Remake Phalanx
Bluepoint Games

Shadow of the Colossus is unquestionably one of the greatest video games of all time, an artful boss-rush in which player character Wander is tasked with felling sixteen gigantic, mythic creatures known as colossi in order to resurrect his love, Mono.

But after spending a solid 8-10 hours defeating all of the "monsters", the player's increasing suspicions are confirmed, that the colossi are in fact totally innocent creatures being led to the slaughter.

Furthermore, killing all of them has only helped free the soul of Dormin, a malevolent supernatural entity whose body was separated into sixteen segments in order to seal his power away.

There's no option for a pacifist run in the game, understandably, and while most players may start to suspect something fishy is going on by the time they battle the iconic thirteenth colossus, Phalanx - a winged creature who never attacks the player - the big reveal still comes as a major shock.

And as a dubious "reward" for killing the colossi, Mono is indeed resurrected, while Wander himself is seemingly reincarnated as a horned baby. Though Wander achieved his task, it was at a most unexpected cost to himself.

Needless to say, knowing the full context of Wander's crusade sure does make repeat playthroughs a decidedly more haunting and emotionally taxing experience.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.