10 Video Games That Mocked You For Winning

1. Undertale

undertale 4th wall flowey
toby fox

Toby Fox's brilliantly post-modern Undertale is a deliciously clever deconstruction of the RPG genre, and players who take a traditional, combative approach to the game's short campaign will be left slack-jawed when it's revealed that passivity was very much the intended way to play.

The end of Undertale reveals that "EXP" actually stands for "Execution Points," while "LV" (initially believed to mean "LOVE") actually means "Level of Violence."

Progressing these attributes will lead to the game's "bad" ending, where the player is outed as the true antagonist of the story, and every "villain" you killed throughout the game was simply trying to stop your rampage.

Even if you decide to spare some of your "enemies," you'll be admonished for killing all the others, while being reminded that they all had friends and families who will miss them.

The only way to get the real, "good" ending is to play as a pacifist, yet even if you do achieve the happy ending, if you also attempt to try out any of the other two play styles on the same file, the game will literally beg you not to overwrite the happy conclusion.

If you decide to go ahead with it, in your new playthrough characters will be acutely aware of what you've done.

Worse still, if you get the worst ending first, even a subsequent pacifist run on the same file will lead to a warped "Soulless Pacifist" version of the happy ending, in effect creating an utter existential nightmare for completionists.

It's a brilliant game, no question, albeit one which trolls just about everybody who plays it.


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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.