10 Video Games That Offer Their Best Content AFTER You Beat Them

1. Extra Puzzles, Dungeons & Boss Fights - Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix

Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix Lingering Will
Square Enix

Kingdom Hearts II's Final Mix re-release boasts a metric crapton of awesome new content to work through once the core story is completed

In additional to new puzzles, there's the high-level dungeon the Cavern of Remembrance, significantly tougher rematches against the Organization XIII, and the insanely difficult secret boss fight against the Lingering Will.

Elsewhere there's a secret ending video to unlock and a ton of mop-up busy-work if that interests you.

But above and beyond what most expect from a Square Enix game, there's heaps of meaningful and challenging content waiting for players not ready to put the controller down when the end credits roll.

Given that Kingdom Hearts II's main story isn't terribly difficult, the savage post-game throws the gauntlet down to committed players and asks them to gamely have at it.


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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.