10 Video Games That Offer Their Best Content AFTER You Beat Them

6. A/B Scenarios - Resident Evil 2

Resident Evil 2 Original

Because the original Resident Evil 2's brilliantly action-packed core story isn't awesome enough, the survival horror classic presents alternate scenarios for players once they've beaten the game once as either Leon or Claire.

The original release has "A/B" scenarios for each character: beat Leon's first campaign ("A") and you'll unlock Claire's "B" scenario, which allows the player to experience what Claire was up to while Leon was doing his thing. Similarly if you started with Claire's "A" story, you'd unlock Leon's "B" alternate.

This means that finishing the campaign with a single character is really just the beginning.

There are three other scenarios to play through, with each character's A/B stories differing significantly - items appear in different locations, you'll explore the world in a new order, and the terrifying Mr. X only appears in the B scenarios of each character.

Perhaps most cleverly of all, though, the game's "zapping" system means that actions you carry out in scenario A will directly impact scenario B - items you took the first time around are absent the second time, for instance.

The recent remake sadly watered down the A/B system significantly, replacing it with "1st run/2nd run", while hugely scaling back the zapping mechanic. In honestly, it's the one major edge the original has over the (otherwise incredible) remake.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.