10 Video Games That Only Make Sense If You Bought The DLC

2. Mass Effect 3 - The Prothean Race Isn't Extinct After All

Mass Effect 3

Mass Effect 3 was a game that was hit by controversy after controversy both in the lead up to its releases as well as after, but one major misstep the sequel made that rarely gets as much heat as it deserves surrounds its From Ashes DLC pack.

An expansion available at launch day that gave players a new Prothean crew member in Javik, Bioware insisted that the DLC wasn't essential in getting the most out of the finale, but even fans with only a cursory interest in the series knew straight away that wasn't the case.

Because featuring a live Prothean crew member - you know, the forerunner race in the Mass Effect universe that had long thought to have been extinct and could be the difference between the universe surviving or being destroyed - is a pretty big deal.

Not only did fans who didn't pay extra for this DLC miss out on the mission itself, but Javik's vital insight into the plot was also lost, as his dialogue reveals important information about the Reapers and the larger ME world.

However, players without the DLC didn't have a clue about what really happened to the Protheans, a bit of a kick in the teeth for their three-games worth of investment.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3