10 Video Games That Only Work ONCE

8. Martha Is Dead

Death stranding directors cut
Wired Productions

Martha Is Dead, the most recent game on this list, caused a bit of a stir prior to its release. Taking the horror genre further, MID stepped it up by making some of its gorier moments interactive. It isn't worth printing them here, but suffice to say they were pretty grim.

But then, most of the story is, not that that's a negative. It covers a lot of sensitive topics, which may be taboo but it offers some representation, for better or worse. It's worth it alone just to play through a psychological story with some grounded horror in it.

That being said, once the Requiem for a Dream-level ending has been seen through, and the bummer feeling subsides, there's really no reason to go back to Martha's vineyard.

There are a few different missions that change some in-game threads, but it doesn't really change the overall ending. Like the aforementioned film above, it doesn't make for repeated viewing/playing.

By all means, experience it the once. But unless players really want to shut off the body horror on screen for the sake of trophies, there's little to lighten the mood a second time.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.