10 Video Games That Prove The Wii U Is Far From Doomed

6. Splatoon

In many ways Splatoon represents the beginning of a new era for Nintendo. It's a brand new IP that's been pushed heavily into the spotlight. It's a game that's being developed by a new generation of talent at the company. It's a third-person shooter, albeit one with a genius Nintendo twist. Splatoon is a team-based game where you fight for dominance by being a bunch of bloody vandals. The aim is to soak as much of the environment in your team's colour as you can with the help of your trusty paintball gun. The twist is that at any time you can turn into a squid (yes, a squid) that can swim through your team's paint invisibly. This opens up a ton of strategic and offensive options. You could use your mighty squid powers to cover as much ground as possible, or to quickly assist a team-mate when they're being attacked. Alternatively, you could simply ambush and scare the hell out of an unsuspecting enemy. Nintendo has only shown off the multiplayer portion of the game, but they've confirmed that Splatoon will be a full retail release with a single-player component as well. It's shaping up to be a cool, original little game that'll be a key title in their early 2015 lineup.

When I'm not playing games, I'm probably either writing about them somewhere or singing stupid songs inspired by them. Or eating pizza.