10 Video Games That Punish You For Trying To Be Cool

6. Lose Health Every Time You Use Wolverine's Claws - Wolverine (NES)

Echo Game
Software Creations

Wolverine is unquestionably one of the coolest superheroes of all time, and the selling point of a video game based on the character speaks for itself.

Who among us wouldn't want to wreak havoc on a never-ending slew of goons with his superhuman strength, healing power, and especially his claws?

But 1991's NES Wolverine game sure took an "interesting" approach to the undeniably coolest and most distinctive aspect of the character.

For reasons that will never make any sense, every time you use the claws to attack, you take damage yourself, whether you connect with an enemy or not.

As such, the developers effectively stapled a baffling cost-benefit mechanic to the very ability everybody playing the game wanted to use basically all the time.

Though you can just use your fists instead, at that point is it really a Wolverine game anymore?

What is the purpose of punishing players for using a superhero's most defining power? One suspects the developers realised the game was too easy if you could use the claws with impunity, and so threw this awful mechanic into the fray at the last minute.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.