10 Video Games That Punish You For Trying To Be Cool

5. Speeding Gets You Chased By The Cops - Mafia

Echo Game

Now, we all know that speeding isn't cool in real life, but in video games? It's basically expected in open-world games like Grand Theft Auto and its glut of me-too clones, which largely don't offer up much of a punishment for players who brazenly decimate the Highway Code.

That is, except, for Mafia, which while certainly one of the better action-adventure sandbox games released in the wake of GTA III, isn't quite so permissive in the "do whatever the hell you want" stakes.

Unlike GTA, Mafia's police are extremely strict when it comes to enforcing the laws of the road. Run a red light or start driving like a maniac without any regard for the safety of others and you'll soon enough find the po-po chasing you down.

So much for taking a fun joyride across town without a care in the world, right?

In fact, Mafia's cops are so on-the-ball that the game even has a speed limiter function, ensuring you can't exceed the speed limit by accident and have to actively turn the feature off.

Basically, Mafia isn't the game to take a chaotic tear across town and expect to suffer no consequences.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.