10 Video Games That Punish You For Trying To Be Cool

3. Punch Objects & Lose Health - Comix Zone

Echo Game

Cult classic beat 'em up Comix Zone is an extremely cool looking game, set within the panels of a comic book as protagonist Sketch seeks to kick and punch his way to salvation.

Yet in a truly bizarre move for basically any video game, Comix Zone doesn't allow you to just hit anything you want for the hell of it: there's actually a trade-off.

You'll encounter obstacles like drums and crates throughout the levels which need to be disposed of, and if you decide to destroy them with your fists or feet, your health bar will start taking a hit.

Now granted, if you actually punched a stack of drums in real life you'd certainly be in a whole world of pain, but is anyone playing a comic book-style beat 'em up also craving a realistic depiction of pain and harm? Not a chance.

Players eventually got annoyed enough to release their own rom-hack for emulated versions of the game which removed this gameplay feature entirely, in turn allowing them to assault inanimate objects to their heart's content.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.