10 Video Games That Punished "Cheesing"

8. Disaster Striking Your City - Sim City

Resetti Animal Crossing

Sim City didn't mess about when it came to cheats in this iteration of the series, as now, using enough can literally cause an apocalypse - which is likely a pretty convincing way to discourage you from using them.

In short, if you used the FUND code once too often to net yourself some convenient cash, the game will decide it's time to teach you a lesson by... well, ruining everything.

Your city will suddenly - but not suddenly enough you can predict it - be hit with a disaster that is significantly harder to deal with than merely not having money. It makes the process almost entirely pointless, as whatever cash you just got is likely to then be spent fixing the ensuing catastrophe.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.