10 Video Games That Should Have Ended 10 Minutes Earlier

8. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons Of Liberty

Resident evil 7

What would a list like this even look like without the presence of a Hideo Kojima game or two?

Despite his obvious creative genius, Kojima's games are also well known for their unrestrained excess, particularly as it pertains to the stamina-testing length of the cutscenes in the Metal Gear Solid franchise - and most recently, Death Stranding.

While most of his verbose cinematics are at least entertaining in their absurdity, Metal Gear Solid 2 left players about ready to snooze with its overextended word salad monologue of an ending.

After Raiden has defeated Solidus Snake, the player sits through an ending which, by Kojima's standards, might seem relatively modest at around 20 minutes in length.

And yet, it's so bloated out with pretentious, self-imposing guff, whereby Kojima clearly could've made his point in around half that time.

Monologues about free will and technology, set to live-action video of New York City, slam the game into a brick wall in the final stretch, when clearly all fans really needed was a quick debrief with Solid Snake and for Raiden to be reunited with his love Rose.

Instead, it's an additional 10-ish minutes of Kojima mainlining his own farts, and sadly forcing us to catch a whiff too.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.