10 Video Games That Should Have Ended 10 Minutes Earlier

7. Resident Evil 7

Resident evil 7

While Resident Evil 7 did a largely fantastic job of breathing life back into the flagging survival horror franchise, it really dropped the ball in its final moments, with a climactic showdown against Eveline that fell totally flat.

The fight, in which the player battles her inevitably monstrous, grotesque form, doesn't amount to much more than the player firing wildly at Eveline in what's more of a glorified QTE sequence than a worthy final boss fight.

It's totally lame and, honestly, feels like it belongs in an entirely different game. Resident Evil 7 clearly reached its logical end point just before the fight, when the player encounters a vision of Jack Baker who unfurls the whole tragic story of the Bakers being subjected to Eveline's control.

The game's ending didn't need to be anything more than Ethan and Mia reuniting and getting scooped up by Chris Redfield, but because every Resident Evil apparently needs an obligatory overblown final monster showdown, RE7 threw one in despite it clashing complete with the game's style and tone.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.