10 Video Games That Should Have Ended 10 Minutes Earlier

6. BioShock

Resident evil 7
2K Games

There's an extremely fair argument to be made that BioShock probably should've ended with the death of Andrew Ryan, which actually occurs about two hours before the game finally wraps up.

But BioShock's true cardinal sin is in dishing up a thoroughly naff final encounter against a naked, mutated version of antagonist Frank Fontaine.

For such a smart and creative game to devolve into a shamelessly generic, brute force arena fight against a hulking monster was supremely disappointing to say the least.

It's a fight so utterly lazy in presentation, design, and execution that the game's director, Ken Levine, even eventually apologised for it on Twitter.

It's a bad enough fight that most fans would've likely preferred the game skipped over it entirely, with the Little Sisters instead taking Fontaine out the second the player arrives in his lair.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.