10 Video Games That Should Have Started 10 Minutes Later

1. Drake Of The 99 Dragons

skyrim intro
Majesco Entertainment

During the millennium, gaming companies tried to capitalise on The Matrix films by incorporating the franchise's look and bullet-time effects into their projects. Although most of these games bombed, nothing tanked worse than Drake of the 99 Dragons.

When the third-person shooter was revealed at E3, the developers promised it would capture the essence of a John Woo action-flick and Batman: The Animated Series. In reality, the gameplay and controls are so horrid, Drake of the 99 Dragons was hailed as the worst Xbox game ever.

Sadly, you know it's going to suck the instant it starts. Not only is the tutorial absurdly hard, you have to complete it within ten minutes. Even though this level is designed to teach the player the basic mechanics, you are guaranteed to fail at least a dozen times since it's not clear what to do or how.

Until you beat this tutorial, you cannot leave the room. Out of frustration, most players give up before experiencing the main campaign.

I mean, the campaign is just as terrible but at least you get to explore the world, so it would've been better if this shoddy tutorial was skipped entirely.

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