10 Video Games That Should Have Started 10 Minutes Later

2. Skyrim

skyrim intro

Upon its release, Skyrim was hailed as masterpiece as well as the standout of a franchise that was already of an extremely high calibre. But over the years, players have chipped away at Bethesda's magnum opus by chipping away at its flaws.

Although most of Skyrim's issues are minor, one that keeps getting brought up by the fan base is the opening. When the game begins, you and several others are being transported into the village via carriage to be executed. Just as the executioner is decapitate you, a dragon attacks the area, allowing you to escape.

When you phrase the prologue like that, it sounds pretty exciting. However, it becomes tedious for people who replay Skyrim over and over. For the first ten minutes, you can't skip anything or your actions can't effect the dialogue.

You can gaze around but there's nothing particularly interesting to look at. Even though your companions occasionally chat to you, there are sudden lulls in the conversation where you awkwardly wait for something to happen.

PC owners were so annoyed by Skyrim's introduction, it inspired a Mod called Alternate Start - Live Another Life, allowing the player to bypass this section.


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