10 Video Games That Should Have Started 10 Minutes Later

7. Donkey Kong 64

skyrim intro

Donkey Kong 64 has 3,821 collectibles, meaning it has more things to collect than any game in history. Because there are so many bananas, crowns, instruments, blueprints, keys, fairies, medals, and weapons to nab, you want to jump into the game as quickly as possible.

Instead, Donkey Kong's grandfather, Cranky, stops you dead at the very beginning, ordering you to take part in his little tutorial before venturing outside. Although unskippable How-To-Play guides can be irritating, they are necessary to help the player get the hang of the more complex mechanics.

However, Cranky's tutorial is so easy, it's insulting why it was kept in. For his "test", you need to pick up barrels, throw grenades, and swing on vines. The mechanics for each of these techniques are so simple, the player could've figured them out with little explanation.

By comparison, Super Mario 64 dumps the Italian plumber outside Princess Peach's castle, expecting the player to work out the controls for themselves.

What's more peculiar is that you can skip the opening of the developing team's previous game, Banjo-Kazooie, even though that tutorial was more complicated! If Donkey Kong 64 began in a similar vain, it would've been a better move.


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