10 Video Games That Start With The BIGGEST Boss Fight

7. Scarecrow - Batman: Arkham Asylum

God Of War Hydra

In Batman: Arkham Asylum, the dark knight must make his way through the Gotham's infamous institution, while battling his iconic rogue gallery and Joker's goons. To stop the caped crusader in his tracks, the Clown Prince of Crime unleashes the worst of the worst the city has to offer, starting with Jonathan Crane AKA the Scarecrow.

Crane doesn't seem physically intimidating at first, but things take a turn when Batman is exposed to the deranged doctor's Fear Toxin. As the toxin infects Batman's brain, he finds himself trapped inside a hallucination, run by a kaiju-sized Scarecrow.

This encounter doesn't work like a conventional boss battle, since the insidious scientist is invulnerable until the end. Instead, Batman must avoid the phobia-fanatic's gaze while making his way through an otherworldly obstacle course. Even though it looks like Batman has plenty of time to plan his movements, Scarecrow occasionally lunges at the cowled hero, forcing players to stay alert, no matter how safe circumstances appear to be.

Batman: Arkham Asylum may have a myriad of daunting enemies, including Bane, Killer Croc, and Titan Joker, but nobody comes bigger than the sinister Scarecrow.


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