10 Video Games That Start With The BIGGEST Boss Fight

6. Slave Beast Taka - Contra III: The Alien Wars

God Of War Hydra

Contra has always been renowned for its rock-hard screen-filling bosses. And the first end-of-level enemy of Contra III: The Alien Wars is no exception.

While our heroes, Bill Rizer and Lance Bean, blast their way through the monster-infested city, they eventually reach a dead end. After an uncomfortable silence, the wall before them crumbles and the ground begins to shake.

Suddenly, a colossal tortoise-like extra-terrestrial called Slave Beast Taka emerges from the gaping crevasse and immediately begins his attack. Since he's a big, wide target, some might think this scrap will be easy, so long as they keep spraying this skeletal behemoth with bullets.

However, Taka's only weakpoint is his exposed heart, so Bill and Lance's attacks are useless if they hit him anywhere else. Focusing on Taka's vulnerable spot is easier said than done (especially on Hard Mode), since the carapace-covered creature spews insectoids and bullets, which automatically targets the heroes. It's hard to concentrate on Taka's weakpoint, since he regularly lunges forward, vomits maggots, and unleashes energy beams.

All of Taka's attacks are insta-kill, (which is standard for the run-and-gun series), so it's possible players will see the Game Over screen before they reach Level 2.


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