10 Video Games That Take Multiple Playthroughs For The TRUE EXPERIENCE

5. Astro Boy: Omega Factor

Starfield starborn

Much like Nier: Automata, Astro Boy: Omega Factor's second playthrough is so gosh-darn vital that it scarcely feels right to even call it a New Game Plus at all.

After defeating the "final" boss, players are met with a sudden bummer of an ending, where Astro is killed by a device known as the Death Mask, allowing villain Sharaku to conquer Earth.

But after this, players are revived by an entity known as Phoenix, presenting Astro with the ability to time travel back to the start of the game and get another chance at victory.

This back-half of the game, called "Rebirth", allows you to play through all the levels again in the pursuit of a more fortuitous outcome against Death Mask, in turn unlocking the real happy ending.

Basically, if you just call it a day when Astro dies and the initial end credits roll, you're depriving yourself of a whole half of the experience.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.