10 Video Games That Take Multiple Playthroughs For The TRUE EXPERIENCE

4. Bastion

Starfield starborn
Supergiant Games

Supergiant Games' terrific action-RPG Bastion concludes with an epic choice - players can either use the Bastion to rewind time in an attempt to prevent the apocalyptic Calamity, or use it to evacuate the survivors and head somewhere safe.

The player is warned that there's no guarantee that rewinding time will actually prevent the Calamity as there's no way to test it, leaving players to decide for themselves whether the "Restoration" ending is worth it.

This is absolutely the ending that makes sense, though, given that beating Bastion will unlock a New Game Plus where you can play through the game again with much of your progress retained.

The New Game Plus contains new dialogue hinting that the protagonist has experienced these events before, including an opening narration which echoes the final words of the Restoration ending.

By its nature, the New Game Plus rather grimly implies that the Restoration ending didn't prevent the Calamity, in turn encouraging players to select the Evacuation ending the second time around, knowing that rewinding time is simply delaying the inevitable.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.