10 Video Games That Tried Too Hard

1. Metal Gear Survive - When A Name Can't Save The Game

video games tried too hard

Metal Gear Survive was created out of the toxic ashes of the fallout between the legendary game director, Hideo Kojima and Konami. Unfortunately, Metal Gear Survive was brought about as a quick cash grab by Konami to simply take the success of the Metal Gear name and try to spin it into a new entry that no one was asking for, thereby, tarnishing the famed series' namesake. Metal Gear Survive takes what Konami thought people would want; the Metal Gear name, zombie-like creatures, action combat, and survival aspects, but ultimately left us with one of the most divisive and uninspired games to date. Metal Gear Survive left players with a stale husk of a game. The love, care, and idiosyncrasies that Hideo Kojima and his team brought to the Metal Gear series were sorely missed in this title.

The lovely folks at Konami failed to realize why people actually loved the Metal Gear series to begin, much of this coming down to the fact that Hideo Kojima's vision is what made the series into the legendary series it has become. Instead of realizing that, Konami cobbled together a game filled with the core concepts and systems that had been utilized much better in other games. On top of that, in their infinite wisdom, Konami thought it would take the fantastic step of actually charging people real-world money for extra save slots, something that just comes standard in the majority of games everywhere. At the end of the day, Metal Gear Survive simply failed to make a proper step it the right direction.

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Final Fantasy 7 Cloud

1. Donkey Kong Country 2

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Hello there! My name is Geoffrey Martin. Video games are delightful, and I write about them!