10 Video Games That Tried Too Hard

2. Mario Party 9 - One Party You Don't Want To Be Invited To

video games tried too hard

Have you ever thought to yourself, the best way to make a new Mario Party game is to take the majority of great gameplay concepts in previous Mario Party entries and then throw them right out the window? Apparently, no one told that to Nintendo before they had Mario Party 9 be created by Nd Cube. Mario Party 9 made the fatal game development error of taking what people loved about the series and changing them simply for the sake of change. Mario Party has always been beloved for its board game-like gameplay, friendship ruining competition, fun mini-games, whimsical boards, and of course, the Mario series' characters. While the 9th entry in the series retains some of these aspects, it decided to change the core gameplay loop, to its detriment.

Traditional Mario Party games had you move about the board based on a dice roll and then compete in mini-games, all the while, earning coins and stars. Well, this entry decided to take away your individual movement and instead replace it will a vehicle mechanic where all characters travel together. This core change to player movement on the game boards made the strategic aspects the series has become known for, simply left feeling stale and lifeless. Coins and stars were also a thing of the past. While the mini-games themselves were still mostly enjoyable, those bigger gameplay concepts' removal made for a lackluster and mundane Mario Party experience. This is one party you are best to just avoid going to.

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Hello there! My name is Geoffrey Martin. Video games are delightful, and I write about them!