10 Video Games That Tried Too Hard

5. Sonic Boom - Gotta Go Fast? More Like Gotta Go Boring.

video games tried too hard

Sonic Boom is yet another one of the Sonic games to attempt to reinvent itself instead of doubling down on its strengths and previous successes. It's so strange that Sega continually tries to reinvent the wheel when it comes to the Sonic franchise. The original 2d games were some of the most loved games of the 90s, yet somewhere along the line, Sega decided to leave behind the success and arduously struggle to make Sonic into something that players never asked for. The majority of 3d iterations of Sonic have unfortunately failed, most likely due to the fact that competing with the likes of Mario, Spyro, and Crash seemed like an impossible task.

Sonic Boom wanted to try to compete with the likes of Super Mario Galaxy and New Super Mario Bros on the Wii, which in hindsight, is quite obvious that it failed in its attempt. Instead of keeping in theme with Sonic's successful games focusing on high-speed platforming gameplay, Sonic Boom decided to add in more traditional platforming systems as well as weapon combat. The Sonic games never needs those types of gameplay concepts but yet Sega thought it best to continue to strike gold instead of iterating on their previous gems.

Thank goodness the incredible Sonic Mania released to show the world that when the Sonic series is treated right, it can both pay homage to the classics while also adding in just enough new content to satiate new players to the world of Sonic and his pals. Had Sega adopted this strategy prior to releasing Sonic Boom, then perhaps it could have turned out differently.

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Hello there! My name is Geoffrey Martin. Video games are delightful, and I write about them!