10 Video Games That Were Ruined By Their Own Fanbases

7. Call Of Duty

Like Counter Strike, Call of Duty can be a particularly hostile online environment, especially for beginners who are unaccustomed to being verbally abused for every misstep. Unlike Counter Strike however, you won€™t be berated for your inexperience alone, but for your race, or your gender or your sexuality.

For whatever reason, Call of Duty just brings out the worst in people; it doesn€™t help that everyone who plays the game tends to be below the age of fifteen either.

Honestly, there€™s only so many times someone can call you the same handful of insensitive slurs before the game itself is tarnished as a result. You can disable you microphone, but you€™ll know they€™re still there, calling each all sorts of racial or homophonic phrases in their prepubescent, high-pitched voices.

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Formerly an assistant editor, Richard's interests include detective fiction and Japanese horror movies.