10 Video Games That Were Too Good To Be True

8. Spore

Fallout 76

When Will Wright, founder of Maxis and developer of titles such as SimCity, and The Sims, gets his name behind a new project, it's not surprising that the title is going to receive some serious hype prior to release.

That's exactly what happened with Spore, an innovative title that saw the player take control of an organism from its simplest stages right the way through to achieving, and even surpassing what humanity is currently capable of.

Unlike many of its contemporaries on this list, Spore was critically acclaimed upon release, with many stating their belief that the game had managed to successfully implement its ambitious concept.

However, the title suffers by simultaneously trying to portray a realistic interpretation of evolutionary biology, while also incorporating elements of gameplay to keep the finished product accessible for the widest variety of players possible. Couple that with certain late-game elements feeling paper-thin, Spore is a good game, but certainly failed to live up to the hype surrounding it prior to its release in 2008.

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