10 Video Games That Were Too Good To Be True

4. Sonic 2006

Fallout 76

Sonic the Hedgehog is undoubtedly one of the most iconic characters in the history of gaming. At one time Sonic was truly a worthy contemporary of Mario, with both serving as flagship mascots of two of the world's largest gaming corporations.

However, while Mario evolved with the times, making a seamless transition into three dimensions whilst retaining the platforming fun the series is known for, Sonic's evolution had been decidedly less acclaimed.

So, when trailers emerged of a new Sonic game to mark the 15th anniversary of the series in 2006, fans eagerly anticipated whether Sega could utilise the power of the seventh generation of consoles and return the famous character to its former glory.

Unfortunately, that just wasn't to be the case. A split in the development team less than a year before release meant that quality assurance procedures were not adhered to, with the resulting title being almost unplayable. Critical reviews were merciless in their derision of the title, and despite sales being relatively decent, the game was definitely one to forget for Sega.

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