10 Video Games That Will Disappoint You In 2019

7. Gears 5

anthem game

Gears of War 4 was something of a disappointing soft-reboot to Xbox's big franchise. Similarly to what 343 did with Halo, The Coalition didn't tread much new ground when it took the reigns of a huge franchise.

The Coalition, whether under instruction from Microsoft or not, opted to make an incredibly safe sequel that was equal parts fun and predictable. It's the polar opposite of what gamers are looking for nowadays, and you need look no further than God of War as proof of that. The sad thing is, Gears 5 is taking the exact same trajectory: the same gameplay, the same characters, the same enemies, the same game for all intents and purposes.

That said, 343 Industries has corrected course with the Halo series - having abandoned the numbering and taking the series in a new direction in the wake of the mediocre Halo 5. We don't know if that will work out for 343, or if the game will even have a traditional story mode, but Gears of War certainly needs a similarly fresh lick of paint. Alas for now, we don't even have to play Gears 5 to know exactly what it will be, and that's already disappointing.

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Curtis is from Ireland and lives in Canada now.