10 Video Games That Will Eventually Be Regarded As Masterpieces

8. The Walking Dead: Season One

It speaks volumes of a game based around popular narrative - from several other sources - that it can be viewed and judged as a separate, working entity as opposed to failing under constant comparison. Season One of Telltale's episodic, The Walking Dead, does just that and many of its fans would even go as far as to say its story is even more compelling than the hit TV series. It may be true that the game gains a lot of favour as a result of the vehicle that carries it; the interactive gaming experience ensures that the proceedings are more tense and engaging than the TV series or comic books can ever be. That being said, this is hardly a button basher or a strategy game, and much of the core work does still come down to a lot of observing for the player. The story contains some of the most heartbreaking moments in recent gaming history, and the application of choice and reasoning is among the strongest of any video game. Even Telltale themselves have struggled to hit these heights again with subsequent releases. It's one of the most emotionally involving games I've ever played, and a story that fans of the TV series absolutely should check out.

Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.