10 Video Games That Will Make You Believe In VR

8. Astro Bot: Rescue Mission

stormland game
SIE Studio Japan

Sony’s work on Playstation VR has been a huge breakthrough for Virtual Reality. Releasing PSVR in 2016, its not a standalone experience and requires a Playstation 4 for use, seeing successive price drops and has now sold over 5 million units.

Fully aware that great games push hardware sales, PSVR has been backed by a strong 1st party effort from Sony. Astro Bot Rescue Mission is part of that push, bringing 3D platforming to PSVR back in 2018.

Featuring characters from “Robot Rescue”, a mini-game within Sony’s PS4 pack-in game “The Playroom”, you team up with Captain Astro, searching for his lost crew after they become scattered in a spaceship attack. It’s up to yourselves to rescue them, travelling across 20 levels between 5 worlds, each ending with a boss fight.

Unlike more traditional platformers, the PSVR camera allows players to use their body and lean past the level scenery, allowing players a 360° view and helping uncover hidden secrets, seeing past obstacles and even headbutting them to advance.

It's lot of fun, versatile, features solid gameplay mechanics and for younger players, this is an excellent entry point to Virtual Reality.

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