10 Video Games That Would Save The Xbox One

6. Splinter Cell

If Microsoft can score an exclusivity deal for Rise Of The Tomb Raider, then there's no reason the same can't be done for a new Splinter Cell. The two games are similar in that both are part of long-running franchises with passionate fan bases, both earned praise from the gaming press, and both disappointed at retail, failing to meet publisher expectations. It's the perfect recipe to go console-exclusive: if Ubisoft were to put pen to paper on an Xbox One exclusivity deal with Microsoft, the risk is spread - suddenly Splinter Cell is fully backed by Microsoft's immense marketing dollar, and the Xbox One instantly has a powerful draw-card to attract action gamers. Splinter Cell is the kind of second-tier franchise that would struggle to sell consoles all on its own (unlike something like Halo or Gears Of War), but still commands respect and adoration from millions of fans who have been following Sam Fisher's clandestine exploits for over a decade. The series has faltered over recent years, but you can be sure that if it were to become an Xbox One exclusive then Microsoft would push hard to make this the most eagerly anticipated Splinter Cell yet. As with Tomb Raider, it's too easy to write this off as Microsoft desperately picking up the scraps - buying into the franchises which aren't winning at retail - but Ubisoft's veteran series still carries some serious weight within the industry.

Game-obsessed since the moment I could twiddle both thumbs independently. Equally enthralled by all the genres of music that your parents warned you about.