10 Video Games That Would Save The Xbox One

5. A Team Meat Exclusive

Take a look back at the big indie reveals from E3 this year. Now have a look at the platforms involved... it's not a pretty sight for Xbox One fanboys. Other than the delightfully illustrated Ori And The Dark Forrest and the intriguing Below, most of the high-profile indie games on the horizon have PlayStation 4 logos slapped all over them. Now, we all know that these indie releases generally don't rake in the kind of revenues of something like GTA V, but strong indie support tends to play an important role in cultivating a positive console ecosystem. Microsoft seems to have missed the boat to some extent. To catch up now, there is going to have to be some money spent. We can't expect any of the PS4 exclusives to jump ship. That's an unrealistic hope. Instead, the suits at Redmond need to lure developers into a multi-platform deal, or buy into an unconfirmed project at the outset. Here we can aim our collective attention at Super Meat Boy developer Team Meat - the original Super Meat Boy was an Xbox 360 exclusive, so there is some form of relationship between Microsoft and the developer, which is a good place to start. Right now we know that Team Meat are hard at work on the mobile/touch endless-runner Super Meat Boy Forever, but once that is out of the way it's essential that Microsoft ties them down to deliver something unique for the Xbox One - perhaps the currently on-hold Mew-Genics would fit the bill.

Game-obsessed since the moment I could twiddle both thumbs independently. Equally enthralled by all the genres of music that your parents warned you about.