10 Video Games That Totally Nailed Their Final Levels

7. Half-Life 2

Half-Life 2's signature weapon - the Gravity Gun - is an incredible piece of technology. It allows the player to pick up objects and launch them at enemies, creating projectiles out of everyday objects. With no need for ammo, it's the go-to weapon in most circumstances. Still, something is lacking. Sure, it's a great way for Valve to showcase their Source engine but could they not have taken it a step further? Could Gordon Freeman not have been able to launch people with the device? Normally, no. However, in the final level of Half-Life 2, as Gordon ascends the Citadel to confront Dr. Breen, all his weapons are confiscated from him, bar the Gravity Gun, which actually receives enhanced powers thanks to the Combine energy it gets exposed to. Now, Gordon can use it to pick up and throw enemies around in hilarious fashion. To state the obvious, it's awesome. Overpowering the Gravity Gun in the final level of the game makes for a memorable finale, finally letting the player unleash the full potential of a weapon that's been in their hands for quite some time. The final confrontation in Dr. Breen's office is an exciting affair too but getting to that climax is where the fun really lies. The Source engine gave Valve and the players the tools to mess around with physics and go a bit crazy; but the final level of Half-Life 2 is one of the best examples of these awesome powers in action.
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I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.