10 Video Games Transformations That Will Make You Sick

9. Parasite Eve - Rodent Of Unusually Gross Size

Rats in video games are normally just cannon fodder. The most basic of enemy, usually for tutorial purposes, they're normally quite harmless. A little nip here, scuttle there and that's about it.

Such as it is that when you see one early doors in survival horror title Parasite Eve, you'd think nothing more of it. Just a standard part of big city life, these rodents.

And normally, you'd be right. But normality doesn't have a creature named Eve messin' with your mitochondria, does it?

As such, what would be a [fairly] harmless rodent is transformed into something akin to the dog transformation from The Thing. That's not an idle comparison, there's even a similar face splitting bit too, just for added homage points.

In regards to the rest of the game, it's quite tame in terms of monstrous transformations. But for establishing gross-out points, this caught many by surprise with its detailed and sickly-sounding body horror.

Mind you, it shouldn't be that surprising. The previous scene had a room full of opera-goers spontaneously catch fire, so anything is possible from that point.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.