10 Video Games Transformations That Will Make You Sick

8. Dead Space 2 - Poor Franco

Dead Space games are anything but subtle when it comes to their horror and grossness. The first game flirted with the sickness with its limb chopping and head stomping, so by the time the sequel rolled round, it had to be upped.

And upped it did, within its first few minutes of gameplay. Isaac Clarke, three years after the events of the first game, has gone a bit nutter butters. As such, he's stuck in a straight-jacket and rendered immobile during the next Necromorph outbreak.

That is until Franco, the hero from spin-off title Ignition, comes to his rescue. Well, short lived rescue, at any rate.

Thankfully Franco manages to take off some of your restraints before being snuck up on by a Necromorph, who puts its namesake to use. Ergo, it kills Franco and transforms his still-warm corpse into one of its own.


Well, in glorious, centre-of-the-screen gory fashion by showing us the fast-tracked stages of Necromorph creation. Fortunately, Isaac comes to his senses and gives it the ol' Glasgow kiss (ie. headbutts it), but not before really showing how sickening the transformation is.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.