10 Video Games Transformations That Will Make You Sick

7. Splatterhouse (2010) - The Cost Of Strength

Ben Parker once told his nephew that "with great power, comes great responsibility". Which must have been alright for Peter; he only suffered a spider bite and gained a bit of bulk in the process.

Splatterhouse's protagonist Rick Taylor, however, gets a different kind of treatment. Less "personal growth and development" and more "body morphed into gigantic proportions" instead.

Saved from death by the Terror Mask, Rick is promised the power to save his kidnapped girlfriend, Jennifer. However, he's not told how this power will manifest itself onto him... and he finds out the hard way.

Most games will skip all the changes with a screen wipe or bright flash. Not the Splatterhouse remake though, oh no.

Instead, we get to see Rick's disemboweled organs force themselves back into him, for a start. Then comes the breaking, twisting and reshaping of his limbs. Why, you wonder?

Well, no one magically grows three feet in height and hulks out without going through extreme body reshaping. That we get to watch, and listen to, as Rick has to experience it.

It's pretty sickening, and that's just the introduction.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.