10 Video Games With Utterly Ludicrous Premises You Won’t Believe They Released

8. Night Trap

Channeling the finest spirit of crap B-movie horror, Night Trap is one of the most unusual concepts to grace Sega's shortlived Megadrive accessory, the Sega CD. Apparently costing $1.5 million to produce, Night Trap was filmed entirely on camera and a game was sort of built around it. Basically this was movie footage made into a game, with the player making adjustments designed to save the lives of the poor souls trapped by the horror presented. Filled with a great big dollop of totally rubbish acting, stupid creatures with hooks who cart away pretty young teenagers and the ability to set traps made to catch the evil creatures, Night Trap is really, really hard to play, incredibly random and just, well, daft. The ensemble cast who played the roles in Night Trap have all now retreated to a cave in the mountains out of shame and have grown impressive beards. Yes, most of them were women, but such was the shame of this game, faces simply must be covered.

Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.