10 Video Games We'll Be Ashamed To Tell Our Kids About

5. Grand Theft Auto V

Trevor Torture GTA V

GTA is a really strange beast when you really think about it.

In the future we're surely going to look back on titles like GTA and analyse exactly why the biggest selling entertainment property of all time was a game where you progress by killing, bludgeoning and destroying everything around you. There's always an overarching purpose to the carnage and mission-structure, but as any who have tried to convey to a loved one or friend who doesn't play games exactly what the appeal of the series is will know - it's pretty hard to put into words without sounding like a total maniac.

Aside from escapist thrills it's very rare that you'll dip back into replaying a whole heap of the game's missions, leaving only the idea of seeing how much crime and punishment you can get away with on the table. Fancy stealing an ambulance and mowing down an entire course full of golfers? How about grabbing a semi-automatic rifle and taking the fight to the Beverley Hills-style vistas full of pompous self-righteous celebrity-bothering types?

Even if you just want to explore the game world, chances are you'll come across a dynamic event such as a police chase or a set of gang-members baying for your blood - it's all immensely fun, but as soon as you have to try and justify why you enjoy the level of violence on display to anyone who has no history with the series, things start to get a little weird.

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