10 Video Games We LOVE (But Nobody Understands)

6. Bioshock Series

bioshock infinite ending

Bioshock is a masterpiece. A staple of storytelling in gaming and holds an incredible gameplay hook to boot. Everything about the world Bioshock creates is immersive and imaginative beyond comprehension.

For those that don't know, the world of the first two Bioshock games takes place in a completely underwater city, which was one ruled by the elusive Andrew Ryan, a man who's ego was larger than his city.

The sequel, Bioshock Infinite, took to the skies and built an entire city above the clouds. Both of these cities experienced mass downfalls as society collapsed to the new rules.

Superb storytelling, but what!? City in the clouds? Underwater utopias? How!?

Not only that, but Bioshock Infinite expands even further into the realm of parallel universes, breaking the boundaries even further between fact and fiction.

Just building these cities was a hard to swallow pill, but adding the insanity of different universes just became a mind bending headache.

Novelisations and graphic novels expanded the lore to provide further meaning, but those who only played the base experience of all games were often left scratching their head wondering what it was all about.

Luckily though, Bioshock provided some of the best single player experiences of recent memory and became something of an icon.


Freelance games journalist who will fight anyone who questions to majesty of Bioshock... or any of the SpongeBob games.