10 Video Games We LOVE (But Nobody Understands)

5. The Witness

bioshock infinite ending
Thekla Inc.

Ever woke up on an island, filled with puzzles that block your progress and push your mental capabilities to the absolute limit? Of course you haven't, unless you've played The Witness that is.

You see, the island that The Witness takes place on is littered with puzzles that tease you at every corner. The baseline premise is to draw line from one point to another. Sounds easy right?


Though these puzzles start off easy enough, the soon become complex beasts to tackle that will push your mental well being to the absolute brink. What The Witness is trying to do is effectively teach you a language, and beautifully so.

Secret puzzle unlock in-game videos which boggle your mind even further pose as tantalising treats, but you'll be left with more questions than when you started.

It's a beautifully crafted world, but the intrigue can be bordering on frustrating as you try to piece together what this world means. If not that, then the puzzles can make you want to bang your head on the wall.

Despite this, it's an incredible game which found an audience, but trying to learn everything will probably break you.


Freelance games journalist who will fight anyone who questions to majesty of Bioshock... or any of the SpongeBob games.