10 Video Games We LOVE (But Nobody Understands)

2. Metal Gear Solid Series

bioshock infinite ending

Having come to the Metal Gear Solid series later than the majority, I'm yet to successfully penetrate it's story that's spanned multiple games, but judging from a community who are long time fans of Metal Gear Solid, that's never gonna happen.

From the offset, Metal Gear Solid introduced it wasn't your normal stealth game. Back on the PlayStation 1, it revolutionised 3D gaming and storytelling in phenomenal ways. Lengthy cutscenes were portrayed and fantastic stealth gameplay lay the groundwork for a franchise which has built upon the others gameplay in marvellous ways.

The story has further twisted into an enormous beast of impenetrable boundaries. Complete with clones, supernatural elements, characters who appear to be good but back stab you in the end. These are just some of the convoluted plot devices that lay draped within the lore of Metal Gear Solid.

The latest entry provided very little for newcomers to be eased into the experience, starting with an explosive set piece which sets the tone for the confusing nature in which Metal Gear Solid resides.

Regardless of this, fans love the franchise, even if they don't fully understand everything.


Freelance games journalist who will fight anyone who questions to majesty of Bioshock... or any of the SpongeBob games.