10 Video Games We Still Can't Believe Got Cancelled

8. Fez II

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The original Fez is nothing short of an incredible indie title. Somehow managing to revolutionise platforming games as late as 2012, its seamless transitioning between 2D and 3D, innovative gameplay mechanics and beautiful art style gained it many well-deserved rave reviews. The achievements made by such a small and low-budget studio like Polytron cannot be overstated.

So, with such a monumental success, Fez II was a guarantee, right?

Well, it was in production, but controversial designer of the original game, Phil Fish, just straight up rage-quit and cancelled the title after a series of public Twitter spats. Fish had a reputation for being vocal, angry at the industry, and difficult to work with. Shortly after an awkward podcast appearance and a Twitter argument with GameTrailers host, Marcus Beer, Fish Tweeted the following:

“im done. FEZ II is canceled. Goodbye”

Fish then proceeded to lock his account.

It’s a real shame that this happened, because Fish and his whole team had done a phenomenal job with their first title. It may have been wise to have someone more charismatic and with thicker skin be the face of Fez, whilst Fish remained doing what he did best and designing great titles. Unfortunately, it seems it’s too late for the Fez franchise.


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