10 Video Games Where Consumers WON

3. Mythril Rectified - Chocobo GP

shadow of war
Square Enix

Boy, did Square Enix mess things up with Chocobo GP. Firstly, the sequel to the beloved Chocobo Racing was crammed with microtransactions - referred to as Mythril in the game.

Not off to a good start. But it's not the mechanic itself that's the problem - it was how unfair and deceptive it is. Many people who purchased the adorable racer were oblivious the gameplay involved a Battle Pass and microtransactions, because they were inaccessible in the review builds. The implications here aren't great, and make it seem as if these in-game purchases were guarded due to potentially impacting review scores.

Somehow, it gets worse. Although players receive Mythril via a weekly login bonus, the currency can't be earned in-game. Because of this, the only means to save up Mythril without parting with coins is to keep logging in.

Oh, wait. That strategy doesn't work, since the player's Mythril expires after five months! Because of this, certain bonuses can't realistically be unlocked, without deploying a bank card. Even if the player doesn't mind paying up, they still have to grind like crazy to attain certain characters, like Cloud and Squall.

After suffering the ire of Final Fantasy fans, Square Enix re-released Chocobo GP several months later with all content available in-game.

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