10 Video Games Where The Villain Had Better Abilities

4. The Oracle - Fahrenheit

Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order
Quantic Dream

The main villain in Quantic Dream's Fahrenheit is The Oracle - a Mayan mystic who happens to be countless centuries old and has a ludicrous suite of supernatural abilities, including telekinesis, telepathy, teleportation, invisibility, super-strength, and super-speed.

Though hero Lucas Kane is certainly no slouch once he himself gets imbued with similar supernatural powers, during their epic, Matrix-style boss fight, it's clear that the Oracle's centuries of training make him the vastly superior of the two.

The anime-ass battle sees the Oracle largely block your attacks, easily knock you back, fling stuff at you from the environment, and in what undeniably feels like a cheat code, even phase out of the physical plane at a moment's notice, only to reappear somewhere else.

It's more dumb luck than skill that Lucas is able to temporarily disable the Oracle and flee the area, and only in their brief rematch later on is Lucas able to truly get on the Oracle's level.

As much justified mockery as Fahrenheit's deeply silly narrative gets, the Oracle at least showed himself to be a mind-bogglingly prepared villain, and one who honestly seemed like he'd be way more fun to play as than Lucas.

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Uncharted 4
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.