10 Video Games Where You Can Destroy EVERYTHING

1. Megaton Rainfall

Megaton rainfall
Pentadimensional Games

Literally no other entry could have gone at the top of this list. The "everything" in the title of this list has been an exaggeration for transparent clickbait purposes up until now, but with Megaton Rainfall, I actually do mean it.

This otherwise mediocre game from Pentadimensional Games has one single selling point to it that made it such a curiosity the year it came out: you can quite literally destroy EVERYTHING with the press of a button.

Wanna blow up a city? The game literally warns you to watch your shots because you can just do that on a whim. Wanna blow up a country? Charge your shot a bit longer. Charge it just a bit longer than that, aim at the ground, and tell the entire planet so long and thanks for all the fish. Not even the stars are safe from your wrath as leaving orbit and blowing up the rest of the solar system is as easy as pointing up at the sky and pushing a button.

Frankly the fact that the rest of the game is so underwhelming (and honestly kinda ugly) hardly matters. Megaton Rainfall was built to see how much destruction one player can wreak, and by god did it ever succeed there.

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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?