10 Video Games Where YOU Die At The End

6. Mass Effect 3

Halo reach

Undoubtedly one of the most divisive video game finales in recent memory, Mass Effect 3 has become something of a Meme at this point.

There is no denying, however, the indelible mark this series has made on gaming in general.

With conversational choices which affect the whole plot of the franchise, the relationships Commander Shepard can make or break along the way, not to mention the massive, open galaxy in which to play and the wealth of lore created around it, Mass Effect feels like its been around for decades.

ME3, however, just cannot seem to shake the stigma of its ending, which has sadly come to define the whole game, unfairly overshadowing the events which preceded this climax.

In what was seen as the ultimate betrayal to the hundreds of hours dedicated players had spent in the three ME titles up to this point, making decisions and crafting their own story, the final act was devoid of an such meaningful agency.

Whichever choice the player made, it resulted in the same endgame: the destruction of the Mass Relays and the deaths of countless billions of beings.

Commander Shepard, once the hero of the galaxy, now the butcher of worlds.

And dead, obviously... There's no surviving that.

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Halo: Reach
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Jedi Knight, last son of Krypton, backwards-compatible gaming nerd, Dark Knight of Teesside...