10 Video Games Where You Start Off Dead

5. Shadow Of Memories

dead from the start

Konami's criminally underappreciated mystery-adventure game Shadow of Memories casts players as Eike Kusch, a man who is stabbed to death by an unseen assailant in literally the first minute of the game.

However, Eike is then resurrected by the mysterious supernatural entity known as Homunculus, who offers to send Eike back in time to investigate his own death, even giving him a "digipad" device to leap between four different time zones.

But while the game features no traditional combat mechanics whatsoever, that's far from the last time you'll die throughout this adventure, as your attempts to deduce Eike's death will inevitably cause you to relive the death scene again and again, gaining new clues with each subsequent death.

Though dated mechanically, it's one of the most creative titles in the PS2's early library and absolutely deserves the remaster treatment in the near-future. Make it happen, Konami.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.