10 Video Games Where You Start Off Dead

4. Silent Hill

dead from the start

The Silent Hill series boasts an intentionally slippery internal logic at the best of times, but those playing through the original game for the first time will likely struggle to achieve one of its happier endings - using the term "happy" liberally there - possibly even ending up with the infamously grimmest ending of all.

After protagonist Harry Mason defeats the game's final boss, the worst ending cuts to an image of Harry unconscious and bleeding from the head in his crashed car, suggesting that the game's trippy events were entirely imagined by Harry's dying brain after having an accident on the way into Silent Hill.

Now, this ending thankfully can't actually be canon due to the events of Silent Hill 3 - and frankly, it's just too damn depressing to consider - but for less-experienced players taking on the game for the first time, it's a completely demoralising gut-punch on which to end things.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.